i’m trying to tell you something ’bout my life
Knoxville, Newton, and being Googled by my own kid. I’m a little infamous for my unhinged music playlists. It’s less about music and more about data organization and my brain’s need to group related things. It’s not like I ever queue up and listen to my “songs that reference the Works Progress Administration” playlist or…
take no prisoners: april 30th
In the old days, on the old blog, I saved up scraps of little things that weren’t worth their own post and I served them up on Thursdays the way my mother would serve up all the leftovers on the same day and tell us it was “Take No Prisoners” night because nothing was going…
the you’re probably wondering how I got here joke
I think the last time I published something on a personal blog was 2014 and the last time I published anything substantive was, gosh, 2009 or 10. I phoned it in and wrote with fits and starts for awhile. I bought this domain in 2016 and this WordPress installation is on its 4th theme without…
great new habits I have formed in the last month
cloth napkins I need a category for posts where the title is longer than the post I guess.
things I’m enjoying about pandemic lockdown
the rebranding of sweatpants to “joggers”hosting a Friday night online musician party which I have named “band practice” for Emotion to Quash, the band Zach and I have been joking about forming since 2016(which I have to practice for, and it turns out I can still play guitar and sing)finally using my DeskCycle again after…